“Conceived by Jay Kuo, Lorenzo Thione and Davis, produced by special arrangement with Sing Out, Louise! Productions, and fluidly directed by Catie Davis, “Indigo” tells a refreshing, multigenerational tale of a bruised, broken yet resilient family on the path of reconciliation.” – Russell Florence Jr.,
“With bold creative choices and skillful stage direction, Director Catie Davis evokes the energy and intensity of an Olympic gymnastics competition, deftly shifting the focus between characters. She finds the balance that the show needs to be effective and to keep it an ensemble piece.” - Bridgette M. Redman, Arts Advocate & Journalist
‘The Magnificent Seven’ at Flint Rep is a medal-worthy musical storytelling of the legendary 1996 Olympic gymnastics team
“The right idea for a new musical is about half the battle for it to be a commercial success. The other half, of course, is getting the writing and music right. In the case of The Flint Repertory Theatre’s world premiere of The Magnificent Seven, the production team has gotten this work about the 1996 Olympic Gymnastics team very right.” – David Kiley